4th ICFM

4th ICFM Information

Strengthenign the Blue Economy Implementation for the Sustainability of Fisheries and Marine Life in the  Indonesian Archipelago


The oceans are essential sources of sustenance and ecological stability for millions worldwide, and the concept of the “Blue Economy” has gained momentum as a sustainable strategy for managing marine resources. With over 17,000 islands, Indonesia plays an important role, although it faces sustainability issues owing to overfishing and climate change. To address this, we are hosting the International Conference on “Strengthening the Blue Economy for Sustainable Fisheries in Indonesia” to bring together experts and stakeholders, stimulate conversation, and chart a course for Indonesian marine ecosystems to a more sustainable future.


  • Fisheries
  • Marine Resource Management
  • Marine Conservation and Biodiversity
  • Climate Change and Blue Carbon
  • Technology and Innovation in Fisheries
  • Aquaculture
  • Marine Sciences
  • Fisheries Socio-Economic
  • Marine Policy and Governance
  1. Prof. Amanda J. Reichelt-Brushett (Southern Cross University, Australia)
  2. Prof. Soottawat Benjakul, PhD (Prince of Songkla Universitydisabled, Hatyai, Thailand)
  3. Prof. Dr. Takaomi Arai from (University of Brunei Darussalam)
  4. Dr. Lev Horodyskyj (School of Earth and Space Exploration, United States)
  5. Prof. Dr. Agung Damar Syakti (University of Muhammad Raja Ali Haji, Indonesia)
  6. Prof. Dr. Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
  7. Prof. Dr. Amran Saru (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
  8. Dr. Najamuddin (Marine Science Department, Khairun University, Indonesia)
  9. Dr. M Janib Achmad (Khairun University, Indonesia)
  10. Dr. Irwan Muliawan (Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia)
  11. Dr. Laode Muhammad Yasir Haya (Halu Oleo University, Indonesia)
  12. Dr. I Wayan Nurjaya (IPB University, Indonesia)
  13. Dr. Tri Prartono (IPB University, Indonesia)
  14. Prof. Dr. Luky Adrianto (IPB University, Indonesia)
  15. Prof. Dr. M. Irfan (Aquatic Aquaculture, Khairun University, Indonesia)
  16. Dr. Syafyudin Yusuf (Marine Science Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
  17. Dr. Beginer Subhan (Marine Science Department, IPB University, Indonesia)
  18. Dr. Sri Wahyuni Rahim (Aquatic Resources Management, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
  19. Dr. Hadi Hermansyah (Oceanography Modeling, Balikpapan State Polytechnic, Indonesia)
  1. Mohamad Abjan Fabanjo
  2. Halikuddin Umasangadji, Ph.D
  3. Zulhan Ar ifin Harahap, MA, PhD
  4. Dr . Fai zal Rumagia
  5. Sunarti
  6. Fatma Muchdar
  1. Person Responsible is Irwan Abdul Kadir (Vice Dean)
  2. Chairman is Tr i Laela Wulandar i
  3. Vice chairman is Muhammad Nur Findra
  4. Secretary is Mesrawaty Sabar
  5. Vice secretary is Disnawati
  6. Treasurer is Dewi
  7. Publication Coordinator is Dr. Najamuddin
  8. Information Technology and Program Coordinator is Dr . Gamal M. Samadan
  9. Equipment and Accomodation Coordinator is  Suria Hi Latif

Hybrid Conference


Registration & Abstract Submission :  OCTOBER 12 – Dec 10, 2023

Selected Abstract Announcement : Dec 04, 2023

Deadline for Full Paper Submission , Dec 11 – 16, 2023

Date and Venue Ternate, 16th December 2023

Keynote Speaker

Prof. R. Dwi Susanto, Ph.D

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science And Marine Estuarine and Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland, USA

Paul A. Macklin

Expertise Marine and Atmospheric Carbon Cycling, Department of Chemistry, Ganesha University of Education (Bali, Indonesia)

Dr. Kazuyo Hirose

Director General of Space Industry Division Japan Space Systems (Japan)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen, DEA

Depaetment of Marine Science and Technology, IPB University (Bogor, Indonesia)

Halikuddin Umasangaji, PhD.

Depertment of Marine Science, Khairun University (Ternate, Indonesia)

Moundir Lassassi, PhD

National Council for Scientific Research and Technologies (CNRST) (Algeria)

Conference Fee

Transfer to Bank, Branch: BNI Ternate
Name: Ibu Dewi
Account No: 0907309699
Confirmation: WA: 082189014765 / 082347713755


Publication Opportunities

International Scopus Indexed Journal and Proceeding

Conference Proceeding ONLINE


Publication of Conference Results

All accepted articles/manuscripts will be published
in IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(a SCOPUS Indexed Publication)


Design Website 100%


The International Conference on Fisheries and Marine (ICFM) is an annual academic forum organized by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Khairun University. This conference serves as a significant platform for discussing the latest developments in the fields of fisheries and marine science. Notably, one distinguishing feature of the ICFM is the presence of keynote speakers who are experts and authorities in their respective domains. With the inclusion of these keynote speakers, the conference becomes an ideal forum for participants to gain profound insights from them and share the most current knowledge and perspectives on key issues in the fields of fisheries and marine science.

Each year, the ICFM adopts a different theme, thereby altering the focus and bringing participants closer to current pressing issues. Attendees at the conference come from various countries, creating a diverse and inclusive environment where ideas and research from around the world can collaborate. Throughout its three prior editions, the scientific contributions presented at ICFM have consistently received due recognition. All accepted articles and manuscripts are always guaranteed publication in the IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences, a publication indexed in SCOPUS. This provides researchers with the opportunity to share their findings with a broader audience and gain international recognition for their scientific contributions. ICFM serves as an intellectual forum that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and collaboration among stakeholders in the fields of fisheries and marine science and continues to play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the academic world and industry practices in these sectors.

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Steering Committee :

Dr. M. Janib Achmad, S.Pi, M.Si
Dr. Riyadi Subur, S.Pi, M.Si
Nursanti Abdullah, S.Pi., M.Si
Irwan Abdul Kadir,S.Pi,M.Si
Halikuddin Umasangadji,S.Pi.,M.Si,Ph.D
Fatma Muchdar,S.Pi.,M.Si
Adi Noman Susanto,S.Pi.,M.Si
Ir. Zulhan Arifin Harahap, MA

Organizing Committee

Chairman : Dr. Najamuddin, S.Pi., M.Si
Secretary : Supyan, S.Pi., M.Si
Treasurer : Dewi,S.Mn.,M.Ak
Vice Treasurer : Karmila Salim, SE

1. Broadcast, Documentation and Information:
Ardan Saman,S.Pi.,M.Si
Ahmad Ahadi, SE
Andi Cendra Mega
Marjan Hamir, S.Pi

2. Event:
Nebuchadnezzar Akbar, S.Pi., M.Si
Susanti Ibrahim,S.Pd
Rusmawaty Labenua,S.Pi.,M.Si

3. Equipment :
Rustam Effendi Paembonan, S.Kel., M.Si
Uttumin Limatahu, S.Pi
Mahdi Amahing, SE
Ocan Wamnebo
Ahmad Khoda

Suria Latif, SE
Rita Desmery Hasibuan,SH, MH
Susanti Ibrahim, S.Pd
Nurain Sardi, SE

Abstract Reviewer

Dr. Najamuddin, S.Pi., M.Si
Dr. Gamal Mustik Samadan, S.Pi., M.Si
Prof. Soottawat Benjakul
Ir. Zulhan Arifin Harahap, MA

Publication of Conference Results

All accepted articles/manuscripts will be published
in IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(a SCOPUS Indexed Publication)

Important Date

Hybrid Conference

Abstract Submission : March 07-April 30, 2022
Notification of acceptance : May 01, 2022
Early registration : Maret-April 15, 2022
Late registration : April 16-May 15, 2022
Full Paper Submission : May 15, 2022

Date and Venue Ternate, 17th to 19th May 2022

Publication of Conference Results

All accepted articles/manuscripts will be published
in IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(a SCOPUS Indexed Publication)

The 3rd ICFM

Hybrid Conference
The 3rd  International Conference On Fisheries and Marine

Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Khairun University

 Ternate, 17th to 19th May 2022


Stregthening Technology and Sustainable Coastal Management, Responding to the Challenges of Food, Energy, and Global Climate Crisis



The geographical position of the eastern region of Indonesia, where is in the scope of the world’s coral triangle, creates a huge contribution in the context of biodiversity both at marine and terrestrial ecosystem. Mangrove forest, coral reefs, seagrass beds and various biotas such as dugongs, walking sharks, whale species, dolphins, sea turtles and hundreds of reef fish provide not only ecological services but also important elements in increasing the income and welfare of coastal communities. This extraordinary marine and fisheries potential makes Indonesia one of the world’s hot-spot of biodiversity. Nevertheless, anthropogenic activities and climate change have become a serious threat to species richness, both fauna and flora, which have become the economic foundation of coastal communities in the future. Therefore, the management of marine and fishery resources is deemed necessary to be carried out in an appropriate, directed and integrated manner between conventional management and the use of appropriate technology.

The management of coastal resources is expected to be able to provide the maximum benefit to the community while still prioritizing the sustainability of the available coastal resources. Development in coastal areas can improve the quality of life and create jobs. Therefore, coastal areas and small islands should be managed in an integrated and sustainable manner. Climate change is certainly very influential on 60 % of Indonesia’s population living in coastal areas that are potentially threatened with food security and their sustainable life. The phenomenon of over fishing which causes a decrease in fish stocks and can provide the impacts to livelhoods of coastal community. Subsequently, global warming has affected sea level rises, coral bleaching and loss of biodiversity are real forms of climate change. This is a very serious threat so that sustainable development is needed to support coastal community welfare.

High rainfall that occurs almost throughout the year makes coastal areas more vulnerable to the effects of extreme climate change, which can reduce food crop production by up to 60 to70 %. Climate change also has the potential to reduce the area of agricultural land due to seawater intrusion into coastal areas, the area becomes submerged by sea water. Climate change also appears in the form of an increase in sea level, such conditions have the potential to increase the salinity (salt) of the soil around the coast. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a very long coastline and stretch of about 81,000 kilometers, so that the shrinkage of agricultural land due to rising sea levels is very wide. One of the impacts of global climate change is the shift in the start of the rainy season, which has a tremendous impact on farmers and fishermen.

Derivative impacts cause damage to coral reefs (coral bleaching) and weakening of the coral aragonite structure, submersion or shifting of mangrove formations towards the mainland, algae heating, decreased fish reproductive ability, changes in the sex ratio in turtles and changes in the composition of the species assembly. Local anticipating to reduce climate change is almost useless, so coastal and ocean area managers must immediately adapt to global climate change. This change affects climate parameters in such conditions marine resources play an important role in regulating the climate. Furthermore, global warming is thought to have changed global, regional and local climatic conditions, which will affect at least three climate elements and natural components that are closely related to agriculture, namely: (a) rising air temperatures which also have an impact on other climate elements, especially humidity and dynamics of the atmosphere, (b) changing rainfall patterns, (c) increasing intensity of extreme climate events (climate anomalies) such as ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) and IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) and (d) rising sea levels due to melting of icebergs in the north pole. In addition to reducing productivity, especially due to floods and droughts, shifting seasons and increasing the intensity of extreme climate events, global warming also causes shrinkage and fluctuations in planting area and increases the possibility of harvest failure, especially for food crops and other seasonal crops. Therefore, climate change and extreme climate events such as ENSO and IOD will generally threaten national food security and agricultural sustainability.


  1. Developing important issues in research and utilization of marine fisheries resources in coastal areas.
  2. Increasing research collaboration of experts in the field of fisheries, marine science and technology.
  3. Providing an overview for policy makers related to the potential resources in coastal areas.


  1. Establishing a collaborative network of national and international scientist.
  2. Increasing the achievement of scientific publications with international reputation.


  1. Oceanography
  2. Climate Change & Disaster Management
  3. Marine Pollution & Ecotoxicology
  4. Fisheries and Marine Biotecnology
  5. Sustainable Aquaculture
  6. Renewable Energy
  7. Sustainable Capture Fisheries
  8. Fisheries Processing and Food Security
  9. Fisheries and Marine Geographical Information System (GIS)
  10. Marine Conservation and Ecotourims
  11. Marine Law and Ocean Policy
  12. Marine Culture and Heritage Silk Road.

Hybrid Conference

Importand Date

Abstract Submission : March 07-April 30, 2022
Notification of acceptance : May 01, 2022
Early registration : Maret-April 15, 2022
Late registration : April 16-May 15, 2022
Full Paper Submission : May 15, 2022

Date and Venue Ternate, 17th to 19th May 2022

Publication of Conference Results

All accepted articles/manuscripts will be published
in IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(a SCOPUS Indexed Publication)


Steering Committee :

  • Dr. M. Janib Achmad, S.Pi, M.Si
  • Dr. Riyadi Subur, S.Pi, M.Si
  • Nursanti Abdullah, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Irwan Abdul Kadir,S.Pi,M.Si
  • Halikuddin Umasangadji,S.Pi.,M.Si,Ph.D
  • Fatma Muchdar,S.Pi.,M.Si
  • Adi Noman Susanto,S.Pi.,M.Si
  • Ir. Zulhan Arifin Harahap, MA

Organizing Committee

  • Chairman : Dr. Najamuddin, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Secretary : Supyan, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Treasurer : Dewi,S.Mn.,M.Ak
  • Vice Treasurer : Karmila Salim, SE

Broadcast, Documentation and Information:

  • Ardan Saman,S.Pi.,M.Si
  • Ahmad Ahadi, SE
  • Andi Cendra Mega
  • Marjan Hamir, S.Pi


  • Nebuchadnezzar Akbar, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Darmawaty,S.Pi.,M.Si
  • Mesrawaty,S.Pi.,M.Si
  • Susanti Ibrahim,S.Pd
  • Karmila
  • Rusmawaty Labenua,S.Pi.,M.Si

Equipment :

  • Rustam Effendi Paembonan, S.Kel., M.Si
  • Uttumin Limatahu, S.Pi
  • Mahdi Amahing, SE
  • Ocan Wamnebo
  • Ahmad Khoda


  • Suria Latif, SE
  • Rita Desmery Hasibuan,SH, MH
  • Susanti Ibrahim, S.Pd
  • Nurain Sardi, SE

Abstract Reviewer

  • Dr. Najamuddin, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Dr. Gamal Mustik Samadan, S.Pi., M.Si
  • Prof. Soottawat Benjakul
  • Ir. Zulhan Arifin Harahap, MA

Fee And Payment

International Conference Early Reg
Early (Mar-April 15, 2022)
Late RegLate (April-May 17, 2022)
1.       Student Participant Only2.       Non Student Participant Only3.       Presenter IDR 25.000IDR 50.000IDR 100.000 IDR 50.000IDR 100.000IDR 150.000
Publication Fee  IDR 1.500.000  
National Seminar    
1.       Student Participant Only2.       Non Student Participant Only3.       Presenter IDR 20.000IDR 50.000IDR 75.000 IDR 50.000IDR 100.000IDR 100.000
Publication Fee IDR 500.000  








Payment Method
Transfer to Bank, Branch: BNI Ternate
Name: Ibu Dewi
Account No: 0907309699
Confirmation: WA: 082189014765 / 082347713755


Publication of Conference Results

All accepted articles/manuscripts will be published
in IOP Conference Series of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(a SCOPUS Indexed Publication)


Fee and Payment Method

International Conference

Early Reg
Early (Mar-April 15, 2022)

Late Reg
Late (April-May 17, 2022)

1.       Student Participant Only
2.       Non Student Participant Only
3.       Presenter
IDR 25.000
IDR 50.000
IDR 100.000
IDR 50.000
IDR 100.000
IDR 150.000
Publication Fee  IDR 1.500.000

National Seminar

1.       Student Participant Only
2.       Non Student Participant Only
3.       Presenter
IDR 20.000
IDR 50.000
IDR 75.000
IDR 50.000
IDR 100.000
IDR 100.000
Publication Fee IDR 500.000

Payment Method
Transfer to Bank, Branch : BNI Ternate
Name : Ibu Dewi
Account No. : 0907309699
Confirmation : WA : 082189014765 / 082347713755